Paratrooper Saves Hide at Last Minute After Chute Tangles
Are you a procrastinator? That is, do you wait until the last day or hour or minute to do something? If you’re guilty of this behavior, it’s fine, there are […]
F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is ‘Joint’ in Name Only
One of the biggest draws of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter is its versatility. The apex of aircraft technology, the ‘multirole’ F-35 is theoretically capable of being used by the […]
Bombers Give Air Force Academy Buzz
Military aircraft do a number of cool things. A litany, if you will. They’re stave off war. They can drop bombs. They can dogfight other aircraft. They can spy on […]
F-16 Armada’s ‘Elephant Walk’ Is War Hawk’s Wet Dream
Remember that part in The Big Lebowski when Jackie Treehorn’s goons punch out The Dude so hard that he slips into this fantastical dream sequence with Saddam Hussein giving him […]
Pentagon Admits Marines Didn’t Cause V-22 Crash 14 Years Later
For years, deceased Marine pilots Maj. Brooks Gruber and Lt. Col. John Brow were blamed for the fatal crash of a V-22 Osprey and the death of 17 other Marines. […]
Here’s the Needy, Prima Donna F-35 Looking HOT
The Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II is high maintenance diva. And the United States taxpayers are its collective sugar daddy. We, who pay our patriotic dues to Uncle Sam every […]
NASA Building Supersonic Jet With No Boom
Want to go from the bright lights of Broadway to the lofty palm trees of Sunset Boulevard in just two-and-a-half hours? In real life? Like, not in a science fiction […]
Who Said Hercules Wasn’t Spry?
When you hear someone say “Hercules”, you either think of the old, original Greek divine hero, this part from the Eddie Murphy movie, the beastly dog from The Sandlot, OR the […]
New F-35 Jets Drop Bombs For First Time Ever
New F-35A Joint Strike Fighters were able to pummel the earth with bombs for the first time during a controlled training mission. Now that the aircraft has passed this milestone, […]
Watch the U.S. Air Force Put Cats in Zero Gravity
Over the summer we brought you the compelling visual chronicle of the time decades ago when the United States Air Force brought a bunch of pigeons up in the C-131 Samaritan […]
The B-21 Bomber STILL Needs a Nickname, Got One?
Over the weekend we brought you news of the Pentagon’s announcement regarding the forthcoming replacement for the B-2 and B-52 — the B-21. The $80 billion project — ultimately awarded […]
See the Bomber That’ll Eventually Replace the B-52
In the fall, we reported on the Pentagon’s announcement that they awarded Virginia-based defense firm Northrop Grumman a contract upwards of about $80 billion to design and build more than […]
Miss the F-4 Phantom Terribly? We Got You
Many still have a soft spot for this old sack of metal and rivets, the McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II. If you’re one of them, you probably wouldn’t throw a […]
This Stealth Bomber Flyby Will Make You Drop a Not-So-Stealth Bomber
Look. We’re not advocating that you “make” in your dungarees. But — BUT! — you’ve yet to see this old 1990s footage of a Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit stealth bomber […]
This Polish MiG’s Flyby Will Make You Piss Your Pants
Might want to strap on an extremely absorbent diaper before you watch this video. Because despite the fact that it is very much a recording, a reproduction of a real-life […]
Watch This Chopper Crash Near Pearl Harbor Memorial
We’re warning you before you go any further with this post: this is pretty unsettling to watch. Because, sadly, it’s of a crash. It’s video of a 1979 Bell Jet […]
What’s This F-22 Doing Parked in a Rural Chinese Airport?
This is a Jurassic-sized mystery. The photograph above was taken by commercial satellite cameras sometime in the past six weeks — and look at what it beholds: what appears to […]
Watch a Gaggle of F-22s Deploy to South Korea
If North Korea thinks they can kick the nuclear can and launch crappy missiles without the world’s consent — and suffer no consequences? That’s fine. They can think that. But […]
Can a Fighter Jet’s Sonic Boom Break Glass?
No, we’re not talking about Shawn Kemp (a Sonic) disembodying the rim back in the 1990s (a boom!). We’re talking about the myth that a sonic boom will — by its […]
Watch the U.S. Military’s New Quadcopter Zooooooooom
Those crazy kids at DARPA (the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) — the Pentagon’s special agency responsible for developing new technology — just unleashed a new unmanned aerial speed machine […]