Airman 1s Class Spencer Stone’s heroic actions on a Paris-bound train in August not only earned him numerous awards for valor, but also a promotion from E-3 to E-5. This promotion, however, hasn’t say well with other airmen.
Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh proudly announced Stone’s promotion. “He has represented the Air Force very well and very proudly and, basically, he has an instinct for saying and doing the right thing, which I think is going to be a very, very good attribute in a young NCO supervisor,” Welsh said.
Stone was also awarded the French Legion of Honour, the Airman’s medal and a Purple Heart for receiving a stab wound during the incident.
After Welsh announced Stone’s promotion, his Facebook page became swamped by veterans and airmen questioning whether Stone should have been promoted for intervening in a European terrorist attack while not on duty.
Some worry that Stone’s promotion was unfair because he did not take the requisite tests other airmen take to earn the same rank.
“So tell ME General, are you going to promote every SRA serving in Iraq and Afghanistan to SSgt fighting terrorists?” writes Joe Richards, an airman. “Not saying anything bad about Airman Stone, BUT I was a SGT who had to TEST to get my rank to SSgt. I HAD to take my NCO Leadership School before I would be considered for promotion. You’ve made a mockery of the entire Air Force promotion system by doing this. Pin a medal on him, shake his hand, tell him good luck taking his test.”
Others wonder whether rewarding Stone is fair when countless wounded warriors are never formally recognized for their sacrifices.
“He deserves the praise, but what about those giving limbs and in combat situations fighting overseas?” Kevin Griffin asked. “Where are their promotions? A good friend of mine, who lost an arm while pulling his team from an IED attack, instead of being promoted he was served discharge papers.”
Several users repeated that Stone’s promotion was a “slap in the face” or a “mockery” of the position.
Do you think Stone deserved to be promoted two ranks for his heroism in Europe? Or is the promotion undeserved? Sound off in the comments.