President Barack Obama has performed some brazen acts while visiting Alaska this week. There was the over-the-top tip at the cafe in Anchorage. Eschewing the legacy of a former POTUS and renaming the tallest peak in North America. But both of these things are but trifling matters when juxtaposed with what he did (apparently by accident) in the following clip.

And don’t worry — it’s safe for work. Unless you’re a fish. Sitting at your desk in an underwater office. Perhaps a pineapple or some other kind of hollowed-out fruit that serves as a place of business. If this is the case don’t you dare click play. Close your browser immediately. You shouldn’t be so flippant with your career/livelihood.

What you just saw wasn’t love. It was (fish) lust. Or “spawning”, as scientists call it. It’s nature. It’s fine. Don’t worry about it.

Poor guy, though. Too much excitement for one day. Probably has no desire to swim upstream anymore.
