America, meet “Iron Stache.”

Iron Stache, meet America.

Witty name.

Only, the Wisconsin man behind the steely moniker and clever Twitter handle isn’t online to laugh it up/rack up “likes”. Nope. Randy Bryce is actually trying to unseat one of the most powerful and recognizable men in Washington, DC — the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Paul Ryan.

To most Americans, the Herculean proposition would be one to — for sure — rile up those inner butterflies. But after beating cancer, serving as a soldier in the U.S. Army, working all the livelong day shaping one of the strongest materials known to man AND maintaining a beautiful mini-beard directly above his upper lip — the Speaker is, well, none of these things.

The election for the Dairyland state’s 1st congressional district (a seat the Janesville native and former presidential running mate has held since 1999) isn’t until 2018, but already Bryce is running heavy-hitting ads.

Like this one:

Bryce even personally challenges Ryan in the ad, saying “let’s trade places … you come work the iron and I’ll go to DC.”

The Speaker isn’t an ironworker so that might not be a fair fight.

And it’s way too soon to know if this one will be even, either.

Last time Ryan ran against someone for the seat he crushed it, gathering up 65 percent of the vote.

These days, Bryce is the president of the Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce board of directors, as well as the chairman of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin Veterans Caucus.

[h/t: Washington Post]