For direct online access to VA benefits and resources, create an account here.

If you or a loved one is a veteran who served during the Gulf War (Operation Desert Shield and Desert Storm anytime after August 2, 1990), the War in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom anytime after October 7, 2001) and/or the Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation New Dawn from March 9, 2003 to December 15, 2011) there are at least three topics that need to be known.

And each one is supported by a benefits (or benefits) from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA).

Post-9/11 G.I. Bill

If you served anytime after September 10, 2001, you may be eligible for this benefit, which can take care of school tuition and other related expenses like housing and books.

If you’ve already applied and would like check on the status of your G.I. Bill, click here.

You can also produce a new COE (Certificate of Eligibility) by going here. A COE is the proof a college, university or other institution (or employer) needs to prove that you’re a veteran.

Care/Compensation for Conditions Related to Service

The region of the globe you served in, or the larger operation you were a part of, could determine specific benefits (care and compensation i.e. payments) to promote health, and help with certain expenses.

To find out if any related illnesses or conditions you suffer from are covered under this broad range, click on one of the corresponding links below:

Gulf War (Operation Desert Shield and Operation Desert Storm)

War in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom)

Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation New Dawn)

If your illness or condition isn’t listed, you may send a secure message to your health care team through this link.

VA Home Loan

If you, or you and your family are looking to settle down and purchase a home all your own, the VA can help make it happen, and could even allow you to skip having to empty your savings to make a down payment.

This program as a whole — which is made up of a number of smaller programs that are either direct or VA-backed — can also help nail down a low interest rate, and offer refinance options.

To learn more about it, check eligibility or apply, click here.

For more information on how you can sign up for VA benefits or, check on their current, status, click here.