On average, 550 Americans leave the Armed Forces every single day. That’s roughly 200,000 service members who make the stark transition from being full-time military to, once again, being regular everyday civilians.
The change, the period of going from one to the other, and building a life away from the uniform, can be a trying time for veterans. Especially landing a job or career that allows for a comfortable and fulfilling lifestyle.
Thankfully, there are a number of free resources that assist veterans in finding that livelihood that will set them up for the next chapter in their lives.
There’s also the option of utilizing the G.I. Bill, which can for little to cost, bolster a veteran’s career trajectory through higher education, or job training.
Click here to check on your G.I. Bill benefits.
Who Qualifies for These Transition Guidance Programs?
Veterans and National Guard or Reserve members demobilizing after 180 days or more of active service.
Also, spouses. However, they can only utilize the TAP Career Technical Training Track and select Career One Stop services.
What Can They Do?
They can offer a personal, one-on-one touch offering guidance on things like job search techniques, résúme building, and finding the ideal workplace.
If you’re still in the service, there’s a transition program just for active-duty service members, which can be accessed through this link.
Where Can You Sign Up for Them?
There are a number of them, and they can all be accessed by clicking the following links.
American Job Centers: A resource that can offer a number of services, including interview training, career counseling, help with the job search itself, and résúme writing among others. Not only do they have a website, but they have over 2,500 locations all over the country with free internet access.
VA for Vets: A website that helps vets find positions at the Department of Veterans Affairs and other federal agencies and locations.
Veterans Economic Community Initiative (VECI): According to the VA, this program has “liaisons can help you connect with local business leaders, schools, and nonprofit groups to maximize your education and economic opportunities.”
Call of Duty Endowment: This is a resource that serves as a guide to a number of other resources — private nonprofits they endorse that offer advice, networking, job search help and other services, completely free of charge.
Programs Specifically for Service-Disabled Veterans
Education and Career Counseling: This is a VA website that offers a program that can provide career and academic counseling, benefits coaching as well as personal, individual support and guidance.
Compensated Work Therapy (CWT): Another VA program, this one is centered around vocational rehabilitation, and matches “work ready” veterans with employers who can provide opportunities that best fit their strengths and needs.
Programs Specifically for Homeless Veterans
If you’re homeless or are at risk of being homeless, there are number of free options for you. Learn more about them by clicking here.
For direct online access to VA benefits and resources, create an account here.