Using tintype, a type of photography popular during the Civil War, Drew captured images of American service members in Afghanistan. To create tintype photos, Drew had to create a direct positive on a thin plate of iron coasted with a lacquer or enamel. While the subject must remain perfectly still for several minutes for the image to display correctly, tintypes develop quickly.


Drew’s photos are the first tintypes taken in a combat zone since the Civil War. Each photo features a different subject, and they collectively depict war contrary to the public’s typical view of modern combat. 


To see more of Ed Drew’s powerful work, visit





Veteran and photographer Ed Drew


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)


(Photo: Ed Drew)

(Photo: Ed Drew)







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