Battles leave scars. But the survivors are not broken.

This is a credo. A tenant.

It’s also the heart and soul of a vision.

Specifically, Wounded Wear‘s vision — which is to guide combat-wounded warriors to find a purpose-driven life and peace of mind after the impact of war through the success of a clothing line. Basically, they provide program services to combat wounded warriors who have been awarded the Purple Heart. Their “primary focus” are Purple Heart recipients from 9/11 forward but strive to support all Purple Heart recipients.

It was all started by former United States Navy Lieutenant Jason Redman, who spent 11 years as an enlisted Navy SEAL.

After graduating from Army Ranger School in May of 2006, Redman was deployed to Fallujah, Iraq a year later.

While acting as Assault Force Commander in September 2007, to capture an al-Qaeda “High Value Individual”, his team came under heavy machine gun and small arms fire and was severely wounded.

This from the Wounded Wear website:

While recovering at Bethesda Naval Medical Center, LT Redman hung a bright orange sign on his door, which became a statement for wounded warriors everywhere. This sign gained national recognition and now hangs in the Wounded Ward at the Bethesda Medical Center. After 37 surgeries, Jason uses his positive attitude to motivate others and to continue to raise awareness of the sacrifices of America’s military forces and their families. This drive led him to create Wounded Wear, a Non-Profit organization designed to provide clothing kits and clothing modifications to America’s wounded warriors, and to promote awareness throughout the country of the sacrifices that wounded service members have made in the name of freedom.

This is a photo of the aforementioned orange sign:

jason redman note


To check out the great things they’re doing or to simply contribute to the cause, click here and visit their site.

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