Obama came down pretty hard on Russia Monday in his speech at the annual General Assembly of the United Nations, chastising Vladimir Putin and his unpredictable regime for messing around in both Ukraine and Syria, suggesting that their involvement puts the rest of the world in greater danger.

Watch Obama speak on the matter in the following footage:

Vladimir’s retort?

Here it is, via the Washington Post:

Putin, who spoke at the U.N. podium a couple of hours later, accused the United States of fostering violence in the Middle East. “The export of revolutions, this time so-called democratic ones,” Putin said, has resulted in “violence and social disaster” instead of democratic advances.

“I cannot help asking those who have forced this situation, do you realize now what you have done?” Putin said in remarks that never mentioned, but were clearly directed at, the United States. “Policies based on self-conceit and belief in one’s exceptionality and impunity have never been abandoned.”

On a side note, here’s a video of the Russian leader drawing a cat’s butt, feeding dolphins and shaking the hands of walruses (really):