Over the next several months, 1,300 service members from the 101st Airborne Division, 2nd Brigade Combat Team will be deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan to support Operation Inherent Resolve.
This deployment is consistent with President Obama’s decision to maintain a troop strength of at least 9,800 until the end of 2016. In an Army press release, officials expressed their optimism that the 2nd Brigade was well prepared for the coming challenges in Iraq and Afghanistan.
“The 2nd Brigade is ready, trained, well-lead and fully prepared to take on its new mission in support of coalition operations in Iraq,” said Maj. Gen. Gary J. Volesky, commander of 101st Airborne Division and Fort Campbell.
“The brigade recently returned from the Joint Readiness Training Center in Fort Polk, Louisiana, where the soldiers validated their outstanding ability to conduct complex operations in any environment and win,” Maj. Gen. Volesky continued. “This ability will be critical in supporting the Iraqi Army.”
Five hundred soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division from New York will join the 2nd Brigade in the Middle East. This would bring the total deployment to a round 1,800 troops.
“Our nation’s Army continues to call upon Mountain Soldiers to serve around the world in places like Afghanistan due to their proven record of high standards, mission success and selfless service,” said Maj. Gen. Jeffrey L. Bannister, commander of the 10th Mountain Division.
(Photo Credit: U.S. Army | Staff Sgt. Jennifer Bunn)