Reza Baluchi is a man who tries to do things no one else has done.
He’s succeeded a few times — even setting a world record a few years back for the longest solo run around the perimeter of the United States (11,000 miles).
But when he got the idea to run in a huge bubble on water from Florida to Bermuda on nothing but Red Bulls and protein bars? Yeah, that was really stupid.
And when people have stupid ideas on the water off the coasts of the United States and try to execute them, guess who comes in to save their lives?
The United States Coast Guard is who.
Check out news coverage in the video above of the incredible event in October of 2014 when the brave men and women of the Coast Guard rescued Baluchi from his death orb more than 70 miles off the shores of St. Augustine, Florida.
The interviews and actual footage of the incident is fascinating.
It’s also worth noting that the “bubble” cost $45,000 and featured ad space for Denny’s and 76 gas stations.