No, they’re not sad.

They’re simply overcome with emotion before their wedding ceremony in Asheville, North Carolina on Saturday. Before the big cake. The drinks. The cigars.

The guy in the uniform? That’s U.S. Marine Cpl. Caleb Earwood. The girl in the pretty white dress? That’s Caleb’s now-wife: Maggie Earwood.

Here’s what’s going on in the buzz-worthy snapshot above, according to ABC News:

“It broke me down,” Maggie Earwood said, “to know that we felt the same way about God. It just made me happy.”

“There were no dry eyes in the room,” she said.

[Dwayne] Schmidt posted the photo to Facebook on Saturday night, meant to be a sneak peek of his day’s work, but it quickly garnered more than 28,000 likes and went viral across the Internet.

“So many people are emailing me,” Schmidt said, “saying thank you for sharing this. It’s what America is supposed to be about.”

The couple is currently on their honeymoon before they return to Camp Lejeune in Jacksonville, North Carolina, where Caleb is based.

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