According to his lawyer, Edward Snowden is ready to come back to the United States.

Anatoly Kucherena, the former National Security Agency contractor’s lawyer and Russian citizen, told Agence-France Presse Tuesday that his client would like to leave the country that granted him political asylum in 2013 so long as he was guaranteed a fair trial.

“He is thinking about it,” the attorney said. “He has a desire to return and we are doing everything we can to make it happen.”

The State Department commented on the story Tuesday, expressing that while they’d “happy to see him return” to the United States the charges against him are extremely serious.

While working for government contractor and consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton in 2013, Snowden leaked thousands of classified documents to media outlets.

His attorney confirmed that Attorney General Eric Holder has guaranteed that his client would not face the death penalty, but that he’s looking for more.

Snowden would like to return to a situation where he wouldn’t be up against the Espionage Act – a law from World War I that was used to try Daniel Ellsberg in the Pentagon Papers case of 1971.


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