Canada’s Foreign Affairs Ministry — referred to also as the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) — doesn’t appreciate all its government employees leaking emails they send out strictly intended for internal eyes only.

They believe that “leaks are harmful to the hundreds of thousands of public servants who cherish the public service values of neutrality and loyalty”.

Why is that warning in quotes?

Because someone leaked it. Someone leaked the email the ministry sent out asking its people to stop leaking emails.

How about that? So “meta”, right?

Here’s the outed correspondence about outing correspondences (obtained by VICE News):

Unauthorized disclosure of information

We recognize that the vast majority of DFATD employees are very loyal to the department and uphold the Values and Ethics Code for the Public Sector. Your good work continues to be a strength for this department.

DFATD has had an excellent record for handling sensitive matters with care and discretion. However, in recent days, senior management has become aware of several leaks which have involved sensitive, classified draft internal documents to media outlets.

Such leaks are harmful to the hundreds of thousands of public servants who cherish the public service values of neutrality and loyalty. Leaks also hurt the public service as an institution and can have consequences for Canada internationally.

To any individual who acts in ways that violate our public service values and the Security of Information Act, we urge you to think about the damage this inflicts on your colleagues, our institution, the Public Service of Canada, and on yourself. Any individual found to be involved in such violations will face serious consequences.

Daniel Jean Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Malcolm Brown Deputy Minister of International Development

T. Christine Hogan Deputy Minister of International Trade

Peter M. Boehm Senior Associate Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

Toronto Star