In a statement that seems like it’s almost trying to flip America’s on its head, Pope Francis imparted his disappointment with people who subscribe to his theology, but also make guns and/or weapons.

In other words, guns and Jesus shouldn’t be peanut butter and jelly. Which is the kind of opinion that may sit well with some, but certainly won’t with others. Pope-larizing.

Here’s exactly what he said, according to New York Magazine:

“If you trust only men you have lost,” he told thousands of young people during a rally in the Italian city of Turin. “It makes me think of … people, managers, businessmen who call themselves Christian and they manufacture weapons. That leads to a bit a distrust, doesn’t it?” The crowd applauded and he went on to criticize those who invest in weapons industries, saying, “Duplicity is the currency of today … they say one thing and do another.”

This is arguably Pope Francis’s harshest condemnation of the weapons industry, but it’s not the first time he’s denounced the world’s real-life Tony Starks. A year ago, he called them “merchants of death,” and last month he said they perpetuate war to make money, declaring that the devil “enters through our wallets.”

As you can see, the Pope enjoys being cute with his words.