Yes. In fact, the probe has already been launched. And it’s almost there. Almost in that it’ll be there on July 14th almost. How about that?

It’s called NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto and it’s lined up to capture the most in-depth, intimate images and footage of the dwarf planet that we humans have ever seen. After all, we’ve already sent probes to Mars, Venus, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Neptune and even Uranus so naturally it’s (finally) the little guy’s turn.

More from Vox:

At its closest pass, New Horizons will come within about 6,200 miles of Pluto, revealing anentirely unknown landscape for the first time.

As the mission’s principal investigator Alan Stern said during the release of a new batch of images back in April, “We’re going to turn points of light into a planet and a system of moons before your eyes.”

Check out the short film below about the pioneering journey. It’s the impressive work of Eric Wernquist from the National Space Society.