They got his goat … and his career.

A few years ago, Master Chief Charlie (a goat) met Captain John Banigan — apparently a “Good-Time Charlie” — and because of it, both Charlies are now off the ship they once sailed: United States Navy Ticonderoga-Class Missile Cruiser Lake Erie.

According to the Navy Times and Foxtrot Alpha, Master Chief Charlie is an “adopted” pygmy goat that served as a mascot for the crew aboard the San Diego-based (formerly Hawaii) ship and, in between boosting morale and wearing a blue kerchief, enjoyed eating granola bars.

He bleated at family picnics, was a big hit with the kids of the sailors, and even became — according to more than one source the “unofficial face of Lake Erie”.

But, when Navy investigators began digging into Banigan’s record as well his reputation for commanding the Cruiser, they were less than pleased — and then they found cute little livestock animal Charlie.

Charlie took the trip from the vessel’s original port in Hawaii, all the way to San Diego. He was never, however, run through California’s stringent regulations regarding importing animals into the state. He needed not only a vet exam, but micro-chipping and even a permit issued to his “owner”. Whoever that technically would be.

That was one strike. Many speculate though that it was the final straw in what was a mounting push to oust Banigan all along.

A bad command climate survey is what many are pointing to as to why the former captain is now commanding a desk somewhere within the branch and not the missile cruiser he once led.

Foxtrot Alpha also dug up some juicy gossip from a source on the ship which may or may not have contributed to the demise:

Ultimately he was fired because he displayed incredible favoritism to some officers (who he liked) and didn’t have the time of day for others. He was also somewhat openly racist and drank too much. He inserted himself into the wedding of a junior officer and had to be driven home from the reception because he had drank so much he was wandering around Coronado with his uniform half off.

Another contributing factor to the firing was that the Admiral who ordered it (Mewbourne) botched it so bad that he had no choice. The investigators were onboard the ship for almost a month on three occasions, and gave Sailors leading questions. At the end of that, the crew’s own confidence in the CO was so shaken that the Admiral had no choice but to remove him. Our Supply officer is also under investigation, and has been held onboard for an extra month to face whatever is coming his way.

Ironically, the Navy as a whole has had a storied history with goats. Not only does a goat serve as its official mascot (seen below — that’s Bill the Goat if you didn’t know) but the area on ships where senior enlisted sailors sleep is called the “Goat Locker”.


According to the Navy Times, Charlie is currently doing okay and in good spirits in an undisclosed location.

goat charlie 1

biden goat 1

master chief charlie goat

(all photos courtesy of the U.S. Navy)