In a recent interview with a European television station, former ISIS captive and Danish photographer Daniel Rye, 26, admitted some startling tidbits regarding his capture and imprisonment — which occurred from May 2013 to June 2014 — at the hands of the pirate flag-waving terror organization and the most famous militant of the bunch: Mohammed Emwazi, otherwise known as “Jihadi John”.

Rye, who was held along with American journalist James Foley (who was eventually murdered by the thugs) is alive to tell these strange facts because his family paid a hefty ransom to free him, something the Obama administration was unwilling to do in the case of Foley and other American hostages.

The young photojournalist said the masked British expat, Jihadi John, made him dance with him. Then beat the living snot out of him, with the help of his other sinister goons.

Here’s what he had to say in the conversation that aired on Danish TV:

“He picked me up and I had to dance the tango, John and I. He led me around the prison. Suddenly, he changed and pushed me down. They kicked and hit me. They finished by threatening to cut my nose off with pliers and things like that.”

Here’s more from CNN:

Oh, and here’s what the tango looks like, in case you were wondering:

According to the Inquisitr, Jihadi John hasn’t been shown in an ISIS video since January, and his current whereabouts remain unknown.