According to Wikipedia, the primary objective of the Armed Forces of Malta (AFM) is to “maintain a military organization with the primary aim of defending the islands’ integrity according to the defense roles as set by the government in an efficient and cost-effective manner”.

Not sure they’re getting it done here.

And while a Molotov cocktail isn’t exactly a softball — it isn’t a javelin either. Or a shotput. It’s an empty beer bottle. Next time perhaps they shouldn’t have the same guy drink the bottles  — throw the bottles.

Side note: Do you know how the Molotov cocktail got its name?

Finland actually coined it in the Winter War in 1939 when the Soviet Union invaded their sovereign Nordic nation. The name “Molotov” was an “insulting reference” to Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav Molotov, whose name also belongs to the infamous pact his country made with Nazi Germany on August 23, 1939.

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