If Jeb! Bush walked up to your door, rang the bell (you answered) and made a “pledge” that he would be a “commander-in-chief” that would “have the back of the military” — that he wouldn’t “trash talk” or “be a divider-in-chief” or an “agitator-in-chief” or “be out there blowhard-ing” and talking a big game without “backing it up” … then confided in you that he thinks the next president needs to “be a lot quieter” but “send a signal that we’re prepared to act in the national security interest of this country to get back into the business of creating a more peaceful world” — would you ask what happened when his older brother was “in the business of creating a more peaceful world”?

Or, would you clap?

Even if you chose not to clap, you would be clapping soon enough, because Jeb! would ask you to put your hands together and give him some audible skin sugar.

And, being the decent, standup American citizen that you are, you’d clap, just like these poor sadsack souls did in the following video which, in many ways, plays out like a bad informercial outtake.

Speaking of Jeb, the following is about to happen: