Just the other day we reported the ambitious plans the United States military and its allies (aka the “coalition”) laid out in regards to eradicating ISIS (the Islamic State, IS, ISIL, Daesh, etc.) from the Middle East — namely Iraq and Syria.

It — understandably — had a very optimistic ring to it, even going as far as predicting that within the year Iraqi and coalition forces would reclaim the terrorist’s sacred caliphate, i.e. the city of Raqqa in Syria.

They also mentioned that Mosul was to rinsed of jihadis.

The story the following animated map tells, however, is much different. It, basically, documents the expansion of ISIS since 2013, and while the aforementioned press release is “glass half full”, the clip below portrays quite the opposite, displaying the relatively immense territorial gain he Islamic extremists have swallowed up in the area otherwise known as “Iraq and Levant” (as well as Libya and Nigeria).

The red blotch literally looks like a glut of cancer cells being fiercely combatted with powerful medical treatment.

And let’s be honest, ISIS is more or less an international cancer.

Unfortunately, it appears we still have a long way to go until we can sleep easy at night knowing the terrorist nation with the black Arabic pirate flag is a thing of the past.

Foxtrot Alpha