This, ladies and gentlemen, is real deal footage of a flight crew training with the state-of-the-art F-35B jet —  and learning how to deal with landing and taking off within the cozy limits of an amphibious assault ship.

A “mockup” amphibious assault ship. They’re actually in the middle of a desert.

You see, the aircraft is closing in on its Initial Operational Capability date (it’s supposed to be July 1, 2015) so it’s probably best that they get this stuff down, work out the kinks, etc.

Be sure to get a good glance at the short takeoffs at the end. The fighter is world famous for this (in addition to vertical liftoffs) and is considered by many to be the class of military jets everywhere and anywhere when it comes to this nifty and extremely dangerous maneuver.

Foxtrot Alpha

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