Is living in the White House uncomfortable? Is it creepy and/or unsettling? Does it get really hot in the summer or frigidly cold in the winter? Is there a strange house noise? Does the ghost of Dolly Madison wake you in the middle of the night and slap you repeatedly across the face with her stiff white gloves? Does the toilet get clogged easily and often?

We’re going to need confirmation to properly dismiss all of these, because after Bill Clinton’s attempt to “stump” for his wife in Philly Thursday, it seems as if he doesn’t want his wife to live in the most famous unpigmented domicile this upcoming November.

Because one of her biggest weapons in the fight to capture the presidency — the black vote — was taken apart bolt by bolt by her husband in an uncomfortable exchange with Black Lives Matter protestors.

In the exchange (documented in the following footage) he managed to get off these less-than-savvy lines, amid intermittent pandemonium:

“You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. Tell the truth.”

“Hillary spent her time trying to get healthcare for poor kids — and who were they? Their lives matter.”

“I like protestors, but the ones that won’t let you answer are afraid of the truth.”

We guess he was insinuating that he speaks nothing but the truth?

Oh, and he also spouted this gem. Which is pretty, pretty, pretty … “out there”??:

“I’ll tell you another story about a place where black lives matter: Africa.”

Whoa, Willy.

You could make the case that a former POTUS deserves some respect and, at the very least, “the floor” when he speaks; it’s quite clear the protestors were being both obnoxious and annoying.

But isn’t that what protesting is all about?


UPDATE: It appears that Clinton has since apologized …