Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen spearheaded a research team that located the “Musashi” on Sunday in the Sibuyan Sea, off the coast of the Philippines.

The warship, which was built with intense secrecy in 1942, was one of the world’s biggest and most technologically-advanced military vessels when it was constructed for use in World War II. It was sunk by the United States in anticipation of the Battle of Leyte Gulf in October of 1944.

With Allen’s superyacht M/Y Octopus, the team used high-resolution cameras to find the 73,000-ton behemoth during a dive.

Japanese Commander Vice Admiral Toshihira Inoguchi and half of his crew lost their lives when the ship was destroyed after succumbing to the onslaught of 19 torpedoes and 17 bombs.

In addition to its 18-inch armor plating, the Musashi featured nine 18-inch guns, the biggest ever mounted on a battleship.

USA Today

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