You’re looking at the future of the U.S. Army.

According to its science and technology community, these concept designs together illustrate a fleet that will soar through the clouds very soon, and enable the military to “accomplish missions not possible today”.

With a little help from the Navy and even NASA, the Army is aggressively exploring what’s possible, in engineering a new family of aircraft through the Joint Multi-Role Technology Demonstrator/Future Vertical Lift.

According to the JMR TD, there are four classes of aircraft that have been identified for the fleet: light, medium, heavy and ultra.

Flight testing is scheduled for the summer of 2017, with prototypes slated for anywhere from 2022 to 2024.


sb1 defiant

SB-1 Defiant from Sikorsky and Boeing


v280 valor aircraft

The tiltrotor V-280 Valor aircraft from Bell Helicopter


All images courtesy of the U.S. Army

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