2. You must be lonely. You have to come visit us sometime!
3. Aren’t you scared your husband/wife will die?
Why, did they leave the porch lights on again?
4. Don’t you feel like a single parent?
I feel like a parent.
5. I’m friends with [insert random military spouse’s name here]. (Usually followed by, “Do you know them?”)
6. What’s your spouse’s rank?
Captain HeyDadWhere’sThatThingILostLastYearAlsoTheCarNeedsGas.
7. [To military husbands] Don’t you think your wife should be home with the family?
She’s a little busy protecting our family. And yours. And America.
8. [To female service members] Oh, is your husband in the Army?
9. When does he/she “get out”?
10. I can’t stand my husband/wife. I wish they would deploy.
11. Don’t you miss him/her?
12. (To Navy spouses) What boat are they on?
13. What’s the worst part about being married to someone in the military?
Right now? This conversation.