WARNING: This will most likely be the funniest thing you see all day. If you’re eating or have a fair amount of coffee in your mouth you might want to make sure it funnels safely down your gullet before watching the following video.

According to its source, this is footage taken on a seashore somewhere in Bosnia. The star of the show is the almighty “flying disc”, known from coast to coast in America as the beloved “Frisbee” — the invention of Fred and Lu Nay Morrison of Santa Monica, California.

Legend has it that Fred perfected the prototype (which were originally called “Flyin’ Cake Pans” and “Pluto Platters”) after he served in the Army Air Force and received a death-defying, torturous education on the principles of aerodynamics.


While flying a P-47 in World War II he was shot down in Italy and was a prisoner of war for 90 days.