When we talk or write about ISIS, it is incredibly tempting to throw in a few f-bombs and b-words and even the occasional POS. After all, the group is behind some of the most heinous and vile terrorist acts in recent memory. But we muster all of our self-control and refrain from slinging our favorite swears because we want to appear mature and professional.

This ten year-old kid doesn’t give a damn about that.

Military wife Misty Allen-Brummett took a photo of a, erm, colorful letter penned by a young patriot that was to be included in a care package to troops overseas. After sharing it with her husband, who has been serving for 13 years, Allen-Brummett decided to share the unidentified child’s letter with the world.


Dear Troops, Thank you for your service. Me and my family are so thankful for you troops protecting us. Thank you for trying your hardest to protect our country. Good luck on killing those ISIS fucks.

This kid really doesn’t beat around the bush when it comes to voicing his disgust for ISIS.

On a lighter note, the young boy is also pretty dedicated to supporting ‘Troops.’ According to Buzzfeed, he asked Allen-Brummett to include all of his Halloween candy in the same care package.

“[The boy’s] mother at first was going to make him change the bad language but then decided that maybe the troops would get a good laugh and sent it with his candy and a letter from herself,” Allen-Brummett said.