You know United States military sappers. The combat pioneer and soldiers who support the front-line infantry and get crazy engineery projects done, like construct bridges and neuter minefields and build this and that and, well, blow things to bits.
George Washington, in fact, while he was doing his military thing as a general, once credited his chief sapper — Louis Lebégue Duportail — for doing things that enabled “brilliant proofs of his military genius.”
Why, you’ve probably seen a few American techy draftsmen animals wear the following “full-color” tab (which was only authorized 12 years ago, in 2004, by Army Chief of Staff General Peter Schoomaker) :
So what happens when a former sapper finds a violent band of pests getting comfy in one of the trees in his bucolic backyard — i.e. a hornets nest nestled securely up in a twist of branches?
The following …