Like the American military, British officers are afforded different luxuries in the field than their enlisted brethren. Aside from the pay scale, the prestige and the plum assignments, officers can expect higher quality food rations.

To demonstrate the discrepancy between ration packs, this Royal Marine provides a scathingly dry tour of the luxurious dining options provided to officers in this funny military video.

Here are a few things you get when you dine in the field, officer style:

– Newspaper

– French Baguette

– Pate

– Scotch Aged 12 years

– Cheese plate

– Salt and Pepper Shakers

This video also strikes home for American troops, who must weather through bland, cringeworthy Meals, Ready to Eat (MREs) while deployed. If you think American service members should get a cheese plate included in their MREs, raise your hand.