Meet Lance Corporal Derby XXX, the British Army’s regal as hell Swaledale ram. A member of the Mercian Regiment, the celebrated Heart of England’s Infantry, Derby XXX is the thirtieth sheep to bear the title and serve as the British Army’s military mascot.
After the unfortunate death of Derby XXIX in 2013, a humble ram from the English countryside was appointed Private Derby XXX by the 12th Duke of Devonshire in April 2014. In his year of service, Derby XXX showed remarkably good behavior during military parades and holiday events. He was promoted to lance corporal by the regiment’s colonel, Brigadier Andrew Williams, at a recent event celebrating the anniversary of the Mercian Regiment’s founding.
As Lance Corporal, Derby XXX can now wear a single stripe on his uniform.
Derby XXX may be a sheep, but he is officially classed as a soldier and receives a salary of food and paid holidays during sheep mating season. The British tradition of the mascot ram dates back to the mid-19th century, though they only became the Mercian Regiment’s mascot in 2007.