These are real letters from kids to members of the United States military. Funny, heartfelt and happy, they will lift your spirits no matter what kind of mood you’re in. They’re that good.

1. “Have a good war!”

have a good war image

The kid was into the whole “brevity thing”. Cute?

2. The ‘Ol “Fat Unicorn”

fat unicorn

Unicorns fart a lot. Fat unicorns though? Oh, you have no idea.

3. A Letter from Ava

ava letter

Ava cares. But she knows Kyle has a job to do.

4. Peanuts


Kind of makes you want to eat a handful of peanuts, doesn’t it?

5. “Thank you for fighting for our country … “

soldier dog too

Can’t forget the canines. Military dogs are courageous, too.

6. “Wish you were hear.”

wish you were hear

This is just a guess, but judging on all the green she uses in her picture? Yeah, probably wouldn’t like Iraq much.