If you’ve kept up with the blog, you’re well familiar with the USS Zumwalt — the United States Navy’s brightest (and stealthiest aquatic craft) prospect. Not only is it already a hero, but it features a tumblehome hull and an extremely unique radar feature that makes it appear — on radar, anyway — to be but a small, harmless nonmilitary vessel. You know, dinghy.
As you can see in the following footage (taken by the branch after it left its birthplace in Maine for its permanent home port of San Diego, California) it’s nothing like one. It’s an enormous seaworthy warship, equipped with all the trimmings that makes it easier than ever to call it what it truly is: a DESTROYER (it’s now its largest one).
Something about its distinct polygonal shape that — especially from afar — makes it appear to be something on a George Lucas Hollywood movie set than an open ocean, a true state-of-the-art expensive weapon of the U.S. Navy.
But it is. Pretty darned neat.
More from the Associated Press:
The nation’s largest and most technologically sophisticated destroyer will join the Navy with a crew that’s the smallest of any destroyer built since the 1930s thanks to extensive automation.
The stealthy Zumwalt departed Wednesday from Bath Iron Works to head to its commissioning ceremony with a crew of 147 officers and sailors that was praised by their skipper for their preparation over the past three years to get the first-in-class warship ready for duty.
“On this ship, teamwork is at a premium. The three things this crew exemplifies is high level of technical expertise, great teamwork and then the toughness to get done what needs to get done,” Navy Capt. James Kirk said before the ship maneuvered down the Kennebec River to sea.
The 610-foot destroyer once headed out for sea trials in a snowstorm, and hundreds of people gathered to watch Wednesday as it headed into the remnants of Tropical Storm Hermine while leaving Maine for good.
Oh, and by the way, the firepower on this baby? Whoa, boy. It houses 600 “rocket-powered” missiles that can — get THIS! — hit targets more than 50 miles away.