If you are ever bored in a war zone and happen to possess a semiautomatic rifle, for the love of God don’t do this.

In the below video, a couple of volunteer soldiers fighting in Syria alleviate their boredom by testing out their bulletproof armor plates. Rather than testing the plates against a wall, one of the soldiers volunteered to be shot by an AK-47 on full auto while holding the armor plates.

This guy (identified in the video description at Kyle) luckily made it through the test unscathed. Of course, not getting hurt doesn’t make the whole video an enormously dumb, moronic, dangerous, asinine move.

Robert Alleva, the guy who posted the video to YouTube, explains that viewers shouldn’t try to imitate their experiment in the video description.

“First off do not replicate this!” Alleva writes. “Respect firearms and life! This is about the dumbest thing you can do. But I filmed this one day when my friends were bored in Syria. War gets boring sometimes.”

Alleva then preemptively addresses haters by saying that they are risking their lives to fight ISIS and should be respected for it.

“If you are gonna talk trash about them, I understand, but remember they had the balls to go to a leave everything and go fight ISIS. Kyle, the guy holding the plates actually chased an ISIS fighter until the guy ran out of breath, pulled a grenade, prayed, and killed himself. He would have gotten away if Kyle didnt pursue him. We were volunteer fighters.”