“Hello, how is everyone doing? This is Liberty, he’ll be accompanying me for the rest of the show. He wasn’t originally going to come up because today’s ‘Daddy Time’ but since we match I figured what the hell?”

Charmingly, this is how United States Marine veteran Michael Garvey begins his standup comedian routine in the footage below. It was his graduation in the Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP) Comedy Bootcamp program, where not only did Michael make a whole bunch of people laugh, he used the experience as a form of therapy for issues with Post-Traumatic Stress (PTS).

Since, the dynamic duo has even made it to the Gotham Comedy Club in Manhattan.

Need a giggle? A good guffaw? Grab a drink and give Michael and Liberty the floor:

ASAP is an organization based in Virginia that builds communities for veterans, service members and military families through classes, performance, and partnerships in the arts.

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