After The Heroes Project founder Tim Medvetz discovered Charlie Linville, it didn’t take him long to realize he had finally found the one he’d been looking for.

“Out of all the military branches he enlisted in the Marine Corps. Then he gets out of boot camp and decides ‘I’m going to start defusing bombs’ — one of the most dangerous jobs in the Marine Corps. Then he tells the doctor, ‘cut my leg off.’ I’m like, that’s the guy. That’s the guy.”

“Because you don’t make those decisions in your life without being strong here [point to his head] and here [points to his heart]. And you can ask in an interview, anyone who’s climbed Everest and they all have that same attitude.”


In 2014, United States Marine Corps combat veteran Charlie Linville packed his stuff, and embarked on the most challenging climb known to man: reach the peak of Mount Everest — the top of the world. Unfortunately, a deadly avalanche halted the climb, and out of respect for the deceased (more than 16 sherpas died in the natural disaster) they aborted the mission and went home.

In 2015, they were about to reach the summit of the highest mountain on the globe but had to cancel yet again, midway, because of the tragic earthquake that struck Nepal.

Three times a charm though, because this year Linville finally conquered the daunting landmass and in the process became the first wounded combat vet to climb “Chomolungma” (Mother Goddess of the Earth).**

Charlie had his right leg amputated after being struck by an IED while serving in Afghanistan.

See clips of him and Medvetz scaling the mightiest mount there is in the following video:

“I was looking for something to completely change myself and really get rid of the demons that were created from war.”

Here’s more on Linville leading up to the climb, on CBS This Morning:

** – Trivial Pursuit buffs are likely aware that it was first summited by Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, in 1953.