When what seemed like an innocent Sunday outing, a fun fishing trip, turned disastrous and deadly near Jacksonville, Florida and the St. John’s inlet, the United States Coast Guard and a good samaritan boater were there.

And it’s a good thing, too. Because if they weren’t? Four middl-aged men wouldn’t have made it back to shore.

At about 10:30 in the morning four fishermen were aboard a 15-foot vessel when it suddenly sank. Thankfully, they were close to a nearby jetty, so three of them swam towards it while the other was scooped up by the civilian seafarer.

They were eventually all taken onto a USCG boat from Station Mayport, which arrived on the scene a mere five minutes after the capsizing.

They’re all in good condition now, with no injuries.

“It’s dangerous rescue also, because you can see how fast the tide is shooting out, you know river rocks and everything, we don’t want them to get hurt, we don’t want to run the boat into the rocks,” USCG Petty Officer 1st Class Luke Clayton said after the incident.

“That kind of stuff saves lives, and it helps us find people and locate people and, yeah this is something that could have gone real sour, and it didn’t, and that’s the outcome that we’re looking for with every rescue case.”

One of the anglers told authorities that, right before the boat started sinking, they were trying to drop anchor. It got stuck, somehow, and then a powerful wave knocked into them.