This video isn’t new, but it teaches an important lesson about respect and patriotism.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Arlington National Cemetery honors the fallen troops whose bodies were never identified or found. When there are no friends or family to mourn or remember them, this memorial is all those veterans have. Tourists and veterans alike visit the Tomb to watch the changing of the guard, an elaborate yet solemn ritual that occurs on a strict schedule every single day.

The military doesn’t allow just anyone to take part in this ritual. Only the Sentinels of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, military members from the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment who passed a rigorous selection process, earn the opportunity to perform the changing of the guard in front of the American public.

Considering the weighty significance of the Tomb and the lengths through which the Sentinels go through to get there, it is no wonder that the Sentinel in this video was compelled to halt his march when laughter rippled through the crowd.

The moral of the story? Sometimes silence is the best, loudest way you can show your thanks to the military, especially the fallen.

And don’t act surprised when you interrupt a dedicate military member’s march.