Before you go any further with this story, we’d like to reassure you that it was indeed United States Army Chief of Staff General Mark Milley who said this recently while giving a speech at Norwich University. It wasn’t Jack Nicholson playing a military officer or a line from an old Stanley Kubrick film or a CW show from the late 1990s. It was a Milley himself, who happens to be a real deal Army brass man who has power and influence and the whole ball of government-issued wax.

“You’ll be dealing with terrorists, you’ll be dealing with hybrid armies, you’ll be dealing with little green men, you’ll be dealing with tribes, you’re going to be dealing with it all, and you’re going to be dealing with it simultaneously,” Milley said.

No surprise, that one little line got a bunch of people all in a tizzy about aliens and extraterrestrial life and spaceships.

One YouTube commenter even posed this thought on the subject:

“Joseph Stalin was also experimenting with the idea of super monkey soldiers.”

Unfortunately for these universal optimists, it’s not what Milley was intending to impart whatsoever. It’s code for something a lot more … earthly.

This from the Army Times:

Military officials batted down any talk of aliens and intergalactic war.

The phrase “little green men” typically refers to foreign troops or paramilitary forces who dress in green attire instead of traditional military gear, the officials said.

“It does not mean fighting troops from outer space,” the officials said.

Cadets preparing to don the uniform will find themselves “engaged in a very deep, long struggle with radical terrorism,” Milley said during his speech. They also will face a revanchist Russia, an aggressive China, a provocative North Korea and Iran, and “any other multiple contingencies that may arise.”

Wahhhh wahhhhhhhh. Just another comment about human terrorists. Nothing to read further to read into here. Not that that’s going to stop anyone from doing so anyway though. They have to get that social media dopamine hit somehow — and they will.

“Wow, he said a lot. It wasn’t a very long speech. Enough said. Truth is coming out slowly but surely.”

This was yet another comment attached to the UFO conspiracy video regarding Milley’s speech. Sorry — but we simply had to include it.