When a former Marine and Iraq War veteran goes to the store to shop, he deserves the peace, quiet and respect that he fought so hard to preserve. It should be a given.

Unfortunately, for a particular combat vet in Queensbury, New York who went about this routine chore on Thursday morning, admiration and honor was not received.

Instead, it was replaced by a death threat — via a note left on their car while it was parked in the store’s lot.

Here’s a photograph of the scummy, ugly missive itself:

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According to the local Warren County’s Sheriff’s Office, the person could face charges for the simple fact that it’s illegal to leave a note of any kind on someone’s windshield unsolicited.

Lt. Steven Stockdale told NEWS10 ABC what he thought about the despicable act on the record:

“Communication these days has gotten very easy for people who want to stay anonymous,” he said. “And it takes a lot more courage to strap on an 80 pound pack and go to the Middle East and fight for your country than it does to scribble on a note and leave it cowardly behind on somebody’s windshield.”