This story will get you angry, but please, don’t let it. Because in its final chapter, it provides a silver lining so sparkly and bright that you’ll forget all about the dastardly character that dominates the introduction.

Aaron Lesseski is a United States Navy sailor. More specifically, he’s a submariner (a logistics specialist) and has been serving for almost two years now.

The wild, shocking tale he shared on his Facebook a few months back (snapshotted below) took place at a big box store somewhere in America. Enter Lesseski, a mad civilian, and the onlooking patrons of the suburban retail establishment.


sailor fb status dec 2015

Moral of the story? Don’t ever disrespect someone serving America. Also, don’t ever deny a military service member what they’re entitled to.

There’s a ton of deals and discounts for the military and more if you click here.

We’ll make sure no one says a word about our service members and veterans grabbing them up.