A United States Marine was killed and nine other American military service members were injured when a helicopter crashed at Camp Lejeune in North Carolina late Wednesday night — according to the Associated Press.

The U.S. military is spinning it as a “hard landing”, but let’s be honest with ourselves here, if a UH-60 Black Hawk “lands” hard or otherwise and a Marine is killed and others are seriously injured after its blades finally stop spinning? That’s a crash.

The crash is currently being investigated. Those hurt are being treated at a nearby hospital. According to the AP, “the name of the Marine will not be released for 24 hours”.

Stay tuned to the blog for more details on this tragic developing story.

Earlier in the day another Black Hawk injured two soldiers — this time in a suburban Denver forest in Douglas County near Fort Carson. The U.S. military spokespeople also deemed this accident a “hard landing”, only this time no one was killed or suffered life-threatening injuries. So perhaps it actually was.
