If you swing a dead cat in a crowd of staunch Republicans, you’d be hard-pressed to hit someone who thinks Hillary Clinton is a viable candidate for the Oval Office. That’s not surprising, she is a Democrat, and a Clinton, and it would be a vast understatement to proclaim that former commander-in-chief Bill had more than a few run-ins with the proud elephants on the right. But these conservative former United States military members, in particular, want Hillary to answer to a number of issues, most notably dealing with veterans.
Lead by retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Ken Rizer — a native of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, the veterans (Rep. Steven Holt, Rep. Quentin Stanerson, Sen. Jason Schultz, Rep. Sandy Salmon, Rep. John Wills, Dr. Marianette Miller-Meeks, John Thompson and Chris Williams) collectively posed these questions online at the Des Moines Register.
Here they are:
During your time as secretary of state you set up and used an unsecure, secret server for your work email. Security experts from across America have criticized this dangerous practice, which makes it almost certain your emails were intercepted and read by foreign governments — some with ill intent … Mrs. Clinton, would you agree with our conclusion that your reckless actions endangered national security and put our men and women serving overseas at risk? We don’t want your focus-grouped apology. We want an honest accounting for your dangerous decision.
Our world is less safe than it was before President Barack Obama’s first term, and much of the blame rests with your failed policies as secretary of state. You are now asking the American people to give you more trust and more responsibility. Why should we trust you with more responsibility when your previous tenure has been marked by repeated failure?
No issue more uniquely frames your many failures as secretary of state than the events of Sept. 11, 2012, in Benghazi, Libya …As members of the Armed Forces, we know that sometimes, no matter what, tragedy strikes. This situation, however, could have been avoided with even a small degree of leadership or foresight from you. Instead you failed, leading to the early deaths of four Americans. Since then you have been more concerned about saving your reputation than in finding the truth or making amends for your failure. Why should we trust you to keep the thousands of Americans stationed overseas safe when your record on doing so in the past is so poor?