The sign is clear. It reads as follows: “Honor Your Veterans / No Wading / Coins Damage Fountain”.

How is this difficult to observe? If you’re hot and need to cool down, go back to the hotel pool. Jumping in a fountain that’s meant to express gratitude through beauty and honor those who died to protect so many things we hold dear in the United States is, well, trashy. It shows no class. No thought or love for the fallen.

Is nothing sacred?

honor your veterans

A few commenters — who posted their opinions on the source site of this photograph — seemed to disagree with the aforementioned sentiment.

This is what they had to say:

“Veterans are quickly becoming the worst social justice warriors…. Soon we will overtake the feminists/t-girls/neckbeards. Its not like they are playing frisbee golf on the graves in Arlington”

We do seem to be getting offended over anything and everything. This is poor taste, but hardly something to get butt hurt over. This mostly boils down to accessible water in a nice public on hot day == people seek a way to cool off.

Hot day in DC + pool of water = people are going to wade in the water to cool off. Yes, they shouldn’t be in there but putting up a small, measly sign is easily missed. It’s not like they were doing this intentionally and had someone, like a Park Official, told them to get out; they would have. No need to fly off the handle.

What do you think?