Ornery military veterans who are literally sick and tired of waiting for medical care are making their protest public through a serious of bold billboards.

When you arrive at the VA hospitals in Phoenix, Indianapolis, Tampa and St. Paul, you are now confronted with a bright yellow billboard with a severe, yet succinct message–“VA is LYING, veterans are DYING!”

The billboards are funded by members of VA is Lying, an organization boasting 20,000 members on Facebook. The group was formed by military veterans frustrated with the Department of Veterans Affairs and outraged by its constant scandals.

“Our group purpose is to raise public awareness of the corruption at VA, and thereby to force Congress and VA officials to clean things up,” wrote Ronald Nesler, a veteran and administrator of the VA is Lying Facebook group. “Many of us support shutting down VA health care completely and issuing veterans a Medicare style health care card with no co-pays and a prescription benefit, very similar to what members of Congress have. We are open to discussion on that, but we demand that all VA lying to veterans, Congress and taxpayers stop immediately, and that ordinary veterans have a seat at the table to figure out how to fix VA.”

In a message directed at veterans, Nesler stressed that the VA is not looking out for the community. “The fat cat VA Administrators have no concern for you as a veteran or even as a human being,” he said. “You are not real to them. They isolate themselves from you, ignore your voice. They are accountable to no one NOT EVEN Congress. It is time to fix their wagons for them.”

Step one of fixing Congress’ wagons is to get the message out there in the most conspicuous way possible, and giant yellow billboards accusing the VA if lying are certainly doing the trick.