The newest third-party expansion of deliciously depraved card game Cards Against Humanity (CAH) is _______.

If your best answer is ‘f@#%ed up beyond all reason,’ you’re on the right track.

War Games LLC, a gaming company founded by the same people behind military satire site Duffel Blog, is currently funding a new military-specific expansion of CAH called FUBAR. Though the company asked for a mere $10,800 when it launched its Kickstarter, it has already raised more than $30,000.

From the Kickstarter page:

Despite the stunning success of the CaH project and various 3rd party expansions, no one has attempted to make a military-specific deck. Until now! Created by veterans from all branches of the military, and tested by service-members and civilians alike, we’re confident everyone will love this latest twist on the classic party card game.

According to the page, the creators behind this project have branch-specific decks in the works. However, the amount of politically incorrect fun veteran fans can have with this game wholly depends on the success of the fundraiser.

For the uninitiated, FUBAR is played the same way as CAH and its family-friendly predecessor, Apples-to-Apples. During every round, a player will choose a black card containing an incomplete phrase. The rest of the players will then play a white card containing a noun to finish the phrase in the funniest, sickest, most offensive way possible. Who ever puts down the favorite card wins the round. Rinse and repeat until you are out of alcohol.

This project is already a sure thing, so what are you waiting for? Make your pledge so you can reserve your own copy of the card game and help this project grow.