Not all who tweet have the right stuff. That’s pretty apparent after spending even one day on the popular social media platform. There are colorful eggs and trolls, grammar wrongdoers and misspellers — bad comedians and misinformers. Oh and bots. Lotsa bots.

Retired Brigadier General Chuck Yeager, however, is not one of these Twitter lowlights. Quite the contrary, actually. The former aviator and living legend — who became the first human to break the sound barrier in 1947 (AFTER he notched more than 11 kills in Europe in World War II) — is full of thoughts and opinions in 140 characters or less, and many of them are hilarious.

Witty. Salty. Beautiful.

Here’s a taste:

Go ahead. Follow him. Tweet at him. Just don’t be surprised when your question gets met with ole Chuck hammer.