Former military man Ralph Peters talks to his television. And, when he does, he keeps it raw. Real.

Fair warning: if you have kids, and they and you just so happen to be in the retired lieutenant colonel’s living room while he’s watching the tube, get your hands ready to apply the earmuffs — because Peters works “blue”.

“It’s stunning.”

It’s a sea change from where his head was at back in 2009, when talking about our military fighting in Afghanistan. Here’s what he said just six years ago, calling for — get this! — the removal of troops in the terrorist-laden country:

“… we’ve mired ourselves by attempting to modernize a society that doesn’t want to be — and cannot be — transformed. We needed to smash our enemies and leave. Had it proved necessary, we could have returned later for another punitive mission. Instead, we fell into the great American fallacy of believing ourselves responsible for helping those who’ve harmed us.”

He’s also called for the assassination of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange and wondered aloud whether Obama had been “date raped” by either Cuba, Iran or Russia or all of them.

Aside from the frequent FOX television appearance, Peters writes novels in his spare time, and does so under the pen name “Owen Parry”. Incredibly, he has yet to be credited as a “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN” speechwriter.