A kind stranger stepped in to make sure a 90 year-old veteran was not left homeless this holiday season.

That good samaritan, Greg Elwood, was moved when he heard that 90 year-old Navy veteran Johnnie Hodges Sr. in Buffalo had been evicted from his home in July. According to Buffalo News, the veteran missed making his monthly mortgage payments while caring for his wife before she passed away. Ultimately, he had to be physically removed from his home by local authorities.

Rather than allow this to happen, Elwood established a GoFundMe page to raise enough money to buy back Hodges’ house. Over the course of five months, Elwood and the community raised $110,000.

“Our original goal was $50,000, that was the amount that Robin needed to purchase the home back,” Elwood told ABC News. “It’s just a wonderful feeling to know that he’ll be back in that home to be able to celebrate the holidays with the family. He has a lot of memories in that home. It’s very clear he was close with his late wife Flora and I just feel good knowing that he’s at peace.”

Since he was evicted, Hodges had been living in a nearby nursing home. Now he will be able to spend Christmas with his family in the house where he had built his life.

“I’m very happy to be back…and spend Christmas with my family in my home,” Hodges said. “There’s nothing like being with your family. This is a beautiful home I have and it really is a pleasure to be here.”