Sacramento native Ken Densley’s father is an 87-year-old United States Army veteran who served in what would one day become the United States Air Force, during the Korean War.

He’s also his own man.

So much so that he recently passed out from exertion while mowing his lawn  — after he told his family over and over that he wouldn’t let anyone else do it for him.

When the first responders arrived after an ambulance was called by a neighbor, they treated Mr. Densley and — as you’d expect — he refused to go to the hospital. Thankfully, his situation wasn’t dire, so the EMTs relented and let the old hero have his way.

But, they didn’t just leave right there and then when the medical issue was squared away. They stuck around for a little while longer … and finished the job the veteran started.

“One of the EMTs put the gurney away and the other finished mowing the lawn!” penned the younger Densley on his Facebook page. “He finished and even put the mower away.”

Supporting. Our. Veterans.

And saving them too.

We’re assuming that while the EMT was mowing Mr. Densley’s lawn they weren’t sloughing off another incoming emergency call. We’re all for putting the matters of a veteran on a pedestal but, you know, not that high a pedestal.